b'12Case Definition CARES captures data on all non-traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrests where resuscitation is attempted by a 911 Responder (CPR and/or defibrillation). This also includes patients that receive an AED shock by a bystander prior to the arrival of 911 Responders. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are described below (Tables 1 and 2). Table 1. CARES inclusion criteria (all of the following) Patients of all ages who experience a non-traumatic, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Patients who are pulseless on arrival of 911 Responder; OR Patients who become pulseless in the presence of 911 Responder; OR Patients who have a pulse on arrival of EMS, where a successful attempt at defibrillation was undertaken by a bystander prior to arrival of 911 Responder.Table 2. CARES exclusion criteria (any of the following) Unworked/untreated cardiac arrests, to include codes that are terminated immediately upon arrival of EMS because the patient is not a viable candidate for resuscitation due to: oInjuries incompatible with life.oSigns of decomposition. oThe presence of rigor mortis or lividity.oPresence of a valid DNR. Private EMS transport that did not involve 911 dispatch. Cardiac arrest of clear and obvious traumatic etiology. Bystander suspected cardiac arrest, where ROSC was achieved without the need for defibrillation or 911 Responder CPR.Data Collection & Elements Data collection within CARES is based on the Utstein- EMS providers are also able to enter a number of style definitionsa standardized template of uniformoptional elements, which further detail arrest reporting guidelines for clinical variables and patientinterventions (i.e. usage of mechanical CPR device, ITD, outcomes that was developed by international12 Lead, automated CPR feedback device, and advanced resuscitation experts 2,3 .airway; administration of drugs; and diagnosis of STEMI). The CARES web-based software (https://mycares.net),The CARES form includes a number of optional time links three sources to describe each OHCA event: 1) 911elements, including estimated time of arrest, call center data, 2) EMS data, and 3) hospital data. Datadefibrillatory shock, and initial CPR. Supplemental data can be submitted in two ways: using a data-entry formelements collected from the 911 call centers include the on the CARES website, or via daily upload from antime that each 911 call was received, the time of agencys electronic patient-care record (ePCR) system.dispatch for both first responder and EMS providers, and Access to the CARES website is restricted to authorizedarrival time at the scene. users, who are prohibited from viewing data fromData elements collected from receiving hospitals include another agency or hospital.emergency department outcome, provision of Data elements collected from EMS providers includetherapeutic hypothermia, hospital outcome, discharge demographics (i.e. name, age, date of birth, incidentlocation, and neurological outcome at discharge (using address, sex, and race/ethnicity), arrest circumstancesthe Cerebral Performance Categories [CPC] Scale). (i.e. location type of arrest, witness status, andReceiving facilities may also complete optional elements presumed etiology), and resuscitation-specific data (i.e.outlining hospital procedures, including coronary information regarding bystander CPR initiation and/orangiography, CABG, and stent or ICD placement. AED application, defibrillation, initial arrest rhythm,The CARES dataset is geocoded on an annual basis, and return of spontaneous circulation [ROSC], fieldlinked to a number of census-tract level variables hypothermia, and pre-hospital survival status). including: median household income, median age, race/ethnicity, unemployment rate, poverty status, urbanicity, and educational attainment.'