b'CARES 2022 Annual Report Location of Arrest The most common place for an OHCA to occur is in a residential setting, with 72.4% of events occurring in a home. Other common arrest locations were nursing home (10.3%), public or commercial building (7.2%), street or highway (4.8%), and healthcare facility (3.0%) (Figure 6). The location of an OHCA is highly correlated with bystander intervention and patient outcome. In comparison to residential arrests, patients who arrested in a public setting were far more likely to have a bystander witnessed event and receive bystander CPR prior to EMS arrival (Figure 7). Patient outcomes were also significantly different across incident locations, with public arrests having a 2.4-fold rate of survival to hospital discharge compared to residential arrests (18.9% vs 7.9%, respectively; p .0001). Figure 7. Location of Arrest Denver Health Paramedics (Colorado) take to the streets on bicycles to provide fast and efficient emergency response services. Figure 6. Percentage of events that are bystander witnessed, receive bystander CPR, and survive to hospital discharge by arrest location. 28'