b'The modernized design will create the opportunity to integrate third party reporting tools such as Tableau and ArcGIS, manipulate dynamic reports for benchmarking, geocode maps presenting locations of OHCA events, bystander CPR and AED use, and utilize machine learning to analyze data impact locally and nationally. This enhanced functionality will provide CARES end users with: A more granular understanding of their local data.Greater opportunities for regional benchmarking (i.e., comparison between similar-sized communities or risk adjusted reports).The ability to identify local at-risk communities and neighborhoods (i.e., census tract mapping of survival, bystander CPR, and public access defibrillation rates) allowing for more targeted interventions and improved resource allocation.NextGen CARES will support secure messaging and file-sharing within the platform, as well as record and audit notifications to managed users and groups. This will ensure that communication and collaboration with end users is efficient and secure when discussing or reconciling PHI-related data. Security measures will be redesigned and deployed to integrate with single sign-on or dual authentication services, consolidate platform access by allowing for one user login for various roles, and stabilize any cybersecurity risks and controls. Over the years, CARES has partnered internationally with the Pan Asian Resuscitation Outcomes Study (PAROS) by sharing the same taxonomy for data collection and implementing a standard process for reporting OHCA globally. The NextGen CARES platform will continue to support international collaboration by deploying architecture to include internationalization capabilities. The potential for data collection with other countries on the same platform will allow for benchmarking international metrics.The table below displays the current versus future state of the CARES platform:The CARES team is extremely excited to develop and release the NextGen CARES platform to users by the fall of 2025 while continuing to optimize the platform and user experience in the years ahead to help close the gap in OHCA disparities. 22 23'